“Discover How to Securely Backup Encrypted ZFS Data Without Decrypting It – Even Without TrueNAS Approval!”

The Ultimate Guide to Efficient and Secure Data Storage

In a world where data is constantly at risk of being compromised, having a reliable and secure storage solution is crucial. That’s why [Michael Lynch] recently made the switch from a Synology NAS to a self-built ZFS-based system that allows for encrypted data backups without decryption. While [Michael] encountered a roadblock with TrueNAS only supporting unencrypted ZFS backups, he found a simple solution that anyone can implement with the right tools. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into ZFS and how it handles encrypted backups, while also providing a step-by-step guide to setting up automated backups with Cronitor.

The Power of ZFS for Encrypted Backups

ZFS is a powerful filesystem that offers a unique feature – the ability to back up encrypted data without having to decrypt it first. This means that sensitive data remains protected while still being easily backed up and restored. However, [Michael] discovered that TrueNAS only allows for unencrypted ZFS backups to another TrueNAS system. This could be a major issue for users looking to store their backups off-site or in the cloud.

A Simple Solution for Encrypted Backups

[Michael] came up with a clever workaround using a few shell scripts that allow for full and incremental encrypted backups and restores without the need to decrypt the data first. While TrueNAS can handle this by default, [Michael’s] solution allows for off-site backups with just a bit of extra work. This is especially helpful for those looking to take advantage of cost-effective cloud storage options.

Keep an Eye on Your Backups with Cronitor

To ensure that backups are running smoothly, [Michael] implemented a monitoring system using Cronitor. This paid service offers a free tier and provides a custom URL that can be used to monitor cron job activity. If the URL is not visited regularly, the user is notified – a simple yet effective way to stay on top of backups without any added software.

How to Set Up Cronitor for Backup Monitoring

Set up is quick and easy. First, sign up for a Cronitor account and obtain a custom API key. Then, simply add the following code snippet to an existing cron job:

  • 0 0 3 * * monthly-job && curl –silent https://cronitor.link/p/<API-KEY>/monthly-job?state=complete

This ensures that the custom URL is visited during the cron job and if it fails to do so, the user will be notified. It’s a hassle-free way to add an extra layer of security and peace of mind to your backups.

Don’t Neglect Your Backups

It’s easy to put backups on the back burner, but neglecting them can have devastating consequences in the event of data loss or disaster. Take the time to consider your current storage solution and how you would recover from a worst-case scenario. With ZFS and Cronitor, you can ensure that your data remains secure and easily recoverable.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMicGh0dHBzOi8vaGFja2FkYXkuY29tLzIwMjIvMDgvMTEvYmFjay11cC1lbmNyeXB0ZWQtemZzLWRhdGEtd2l0aG91dC1kZWNyeXB0aW5nLWl0LWV2ZW4taWYtdHJ1ZW5hcy1kb2VzbnQtYXBwcm92ZS_SAQA?oc=5